Feb 20, 2009

SVCHOST.exe Error

Click Start
Right click My Computer
Click Properties
Click the Automatic Updates tab
Choose Turn off Automatic Updates
Restart your computer
Connect to the internet
Click Start >> All Programs >> Windows UpdateManually
windowsTurn On Automatic Updates again
If not come back to me, i will give you one another solution... actually The SVCHOST.exe Application error is thrown because of a corrupted Windows Update in Windows XP.Infact, the only options that the error message allows are to click OK to terminate the program or click Cancel to debug the program...........
also you can try with good registry cleaner....http://www.download.com/CCleaner/3000-2144_4-10315544.html
the svchost.exe applications in the Registry of your Windows operating system relate to what Microsoft refer to as a "Service Host".

if not use this way

Verify Windows Update Service SettingsClick on Start, Run and type the following command in the open box and click OKservices.mscFind the Automatic Updates service and double-click on it. Click on the Log On Tab and make sure the "Local System Account" is selected as the logon account and the box for "allow service to interact with desktop" is UNCHECKED. Under the Hardware Profile section in the Log On Tab, make sure the service is enabled. On the General Tab, the Startup Type should be Automatic, if not, drop the box down and select Automatic. Under "Service Status" on the General tab, the service should be Started, click the Start button enable it. Repeat the steps above for the service "Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)"

Re-Register Windows Update DLLs
Click on Start, Run, and type CMD and click ok In the black command window type the following command and press Enter


Wait until you receive the "DllRegisterServer in WUAPI.DLL succeeded" message and click OK Repeat the last two steps above for each of the following commands:


Remove Corrupted Windows Update Files

At the command prompt, type the following command and press Enter

net stop WuAuServStill

at the command prompt, type

cd %windir%

and press EnterIn the opened folder, type the following command and press Enter to rename the SoftwareDistribution Folder

ren SoftwareDistribution SD_OLD

Restart the Windows Update Service by typing the following at the command

promptnet start WuAuServ

type Exit and Press Enter to close the command prompt

Reboot Windowsclick on Start, Shut Down, and Restart to reboot Windows XP

Although this method may not solve all of the issues with a SVCHOST.EXE Application error, I have found it fixed the problem with the 0x745f2780 reference error.

Other Issues with SVCHOST.EXE

1) Download and install Update for Windows XP (KB927891)
2) Download and install an update for Windows Update Agent WSUS 3.0
3) Restart your computer and your computer should run better with slowing to a crawl because of SVCHOST.EXE

Third Way

use the following command to show all svchost.exe associated services or libraries and instances:

tasklist /svc /fi "imagename eq svchost.exe"

normally you can get five svhost.exe.....if there is any thing more ...like capital letter SVHOST.EXE..then that is a Virus ...

So you want to use a good VIrus REmover .....

use.....smart remover http://www.technize.com/?dl_id=6

and install avira antivirus http://www.download.com/Avira-AntiVir-Personal-Free-Antivirus/3000-2239_4-10322935.html?part=dl-10322935&subj=dl&tag=button&cdlPid=10986298

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